The Saving Grace

In the section that I read today, the narrator and her family are still trying to run away from the war. The narrator had made it back to her family after being forgotten at her home and now they were all together walking down the Jordan road. There was a large group of civilians that were trying to get away from the war and make it to safety, but all day, there had been no vehicles of any kind go past them. However, finally the narrator’s mother hears the engine of a vehicle and then it starts to get louder and everyone else begins to hear it.

Everyone begins to line up on the road so that the truck will have to stop or else it will hit them. The truck appears and at first it starts to speed up, but then the driver realizes that they are not going to move and at the last second, the driver slams on the brakes and the truck screeches to a stop. As quick as they can, the narrator and her family begin to pile onto the truck because they don’t care where it is going, they just want to get away from where they are now.

I found the section that I read today to be very interesting and also a little frightening. The fact that all of these civilians are scared for their lives that they are going to die in a war is frightening to me and then how the truck almost hit the people in the road because the driver did not want to stop for them. However, the driver did stop because he still had some good left in his heart and he was going to help the people out instead of running them over. However, just thinking about how all of these people fear for their lives and how they have to run away from home in order to be safe just goes to show that you can’t take anything for granted and that I should be grateful for everything that I have.


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